Knight Transportation (NYSE:KNX) is a leading full-truckload carrier in the United States, with a fleet of over 4,000 trucks and 5,000 drivers.


After several years in business, Knight Transportation realized their brand image was outdated. Their plans for growth included adding more trucks and attracting top talent, and their existing brand identity did not fit these goals.


This was an example of a brand revitalization–an established brand updating their image for the future. Summation provided brand strategy and research to determine what elements had brand equity and where change was needed. A new logo retained the “K” and color red.

The detailed brand strategy included a stronger brand voice and visuals. Summation provided a brand guide, new signage, vehicle graphics, website, annual reports, advertising and all print collateral. Summation worked closely with the in-house team to assist with the implementation.


The new logo leveraged the established brand equity of the letter “K” and the color red. The image of the knight was simplified and integrated into the letterform.

Summation developed a brand guide for Knight Transportation establishing proper usage for the logo, including a color system and vehicle signage application.

Interactive projects ranged from a new website to the company intranet, which enhanced employee communications and became a valuable resource for truck drivers on the road.

Transportation Industry Annual Report DesignTransportation Industry Annual Report DesignTransportation Industry Annual Report DesignTransportation Industry Annual Report DesignTransportation Industry Annual Report Design

Summation helped Knight Transportation introduce the new logo and identity throughout the company by developing an awareness campaign.

The new logo is showcased in the lobby of the corporate office.

Custom-fabricated steel door handles at the corporate offices feature the new logo design.

The rebranding initiative culminated with a listing on the NYSE, with the celebration including driving a new truck down Wall Street to ring the bell.

This annual report highlighted Knight’s “Take Charge” approach and its continuing efforts to deliver value to shareholders and offer stable opportunities for its employees.

Summation helped Knight Transportation introduce the new logo and identity throughout the company by developing an awareness campaign.

This brochure, incorporating the newly-developed brand, was used as a recruitment tool at job fairs.

This annual report discusses how value is delivered to shareholders as well as customers.


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